Auto Repair
Car Repair by Local Mechanic in Dublin
Auto Repair, Local Mechanic
Highly Rated & Fighting Hunger!
Get your Auto Repair and Car Repair service done right by a local mechanic. We're a local auto-shop and smog station, and we're all about quality parts and service.
Plus we're an official drop off station for the Alameda County food bank. With the help of our community, we've collected over 14,000 pounds since 2008. Donate canned foods and join our mission!
Contact us to Schedule an Appointment Online or by phone.
(925) 828-7277
Auto Repair & More
In addition to Auto Repair and Car Repair, we also offer Star Certified Smog Checks, Check Engine Diagnostics, Brake Inspections, Windshield Wiper Replacements and more! Contact us for details.
Auto Repair & Car Mechanic Reviews
See what our customers have to say about our auto repair service. We have over seventy 5/5 star ratings on Yelp, Google+ and Facebook.
I needed brake work, a smog check, tire rotation and oil change...sounds like it could get 'spensive, right?
Sounds like I could get a call that my undercarriage paint was in bad shape and need a re-coat along with needing new carpeting in my trunk. We've all been scammed by shady ex-con mechanics right?
Not at All Smogs! "Rad" Brad and "Crazy" Lew deliver reasonable rates, quality work and excellent communication and customer service.